Fractal Halts Sale of Torrent Case and Offers Repair Kit

👤by Michael Pabia Comments 📅27.08.2021 18:47:32
Press Release

The recently launched Fractal Torrent chassis received numerous positive reviews including ours upon release. A few days later, there are reported incidents of the Fractal Torrent’s fan hub going up in smoke due to an alleged short circuit. Today, Fractal has released a statement regarding this matter and quickly pulled off the chassis on their partner resellers like Newegg.

Fractal released a statement regarding this matter which you can read below.

Torrent Important Information

We have an important message regarding the Torrent.
Some reports of Fan Hubs damaged in manufacturing potentially causing a short-circuit have led us to re-evaluate the circuit board design.

We remain committed to the quality of our products and the Nexus 9P Slim Fan Hub included with the Torrent does not live up to the standards customers expect from us. Our development team is working tirelessly to design and manufacture an updated version that will address these issues as soon as possible.

If you own a Torrent case, we ask that you unplug the Fan Hub (instructions available below) and fill in the form available here and a replacement kit will be sent to you as soon as possible.

You can still use your Torrent without the Fan Hub, but given the compromised feature set, we are also coordinating with retail partners to enable a smooth refund process if you prefer not to wait for the replacement kit. We have temporarily stopped sales of the Torrent until the Fan Hub is updated.

We sincerely apologize for your inconvenience.

To learn more about the underlying concern regarding the Fractal Torrent chassis, please visit the links below.
Latest information and updates
How to disconnect the Fan Hub
How to check your products S/N
Repair-kit request and get in contact with Fractal support

Source: Fractal

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